Inner Mind

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Journal notes.

Back at the grasshopper field that is now more of a crow and raven field. I thought the grasshoppers were a constant noisy presence. The racket these birds are making is something else altogether! A whole flock of them flew in the wake of the van as we were driving here.

Anyway, I am sitting in my spot in the tree roots. Tents are set up and it is siesta time for some of us humans, as if anyone could rest with all the ceaseless racket going on!

There are now several other camera crews from TV and radio stations as well as a good number of people, that I assume are local inhabitants, on the road on the other side of the field. Crowoman is giving interviews to anyone who wants to talk to her, she is just an amazing bundle of energy. She and her crows, Maybel and Mave who rode in the van with us, entertained Prof Bolo all the long drive.

There is so much energy all around here, with more and more birds arriving to the field that was already covered with bird when we arrived. Crow sentinels, in the high treetops above me are calling out greetings to each new arrival. There is no longer any trace of grasshoppers or wheat, for that matter on the field in front of me. As far as my eye can see, the land is covered with the black birds. They are not coming into our camping area under the trees, however.

That is, except for our companion crows. We have each been assigned a crow. Mine is named Black, he told me as clearly as if a human person had been talking to me. He is a wise and peaceful old bird. He told me he doesn't have the energy to hop around after grasshoppers anymore, but he likes to part of the action, to feel useful. He looked askance at me as he said, “They're not that easy to catch, you know. Those crows are really getting their exercise.”

Petunia lays aside her journal when Black begins to speak into her mind again.

“You know, they've long since cleared this field and all the fields around of grasshoppers. Now, they are just hamming it up for the cameras.” Black is enjoying this, Petunia realizes. “Though, they are as well getting organized with Grandmother Grasshopper. Scouts are out determining the spread of the infestation and communicating with each areas local residents. Resident birds, that is, heh, heh. Just watch, they are all going to start taking off now soon.”

Sure enough, Petunia could see them starting to take off in groups of about a dozen or so. Petunia counts the first twenty take-offs, wishing them success on their further ventures. Then she leaves “operation grasshopper” to the crows and the guardian spirits. She feels the comforting, reassuring presence of the familiar Being of Light as soon as she thinks about him.

“Sharp and Bolo are coming to visit,” Black informs her.

Prof Bolo's companion crow Sharp arrives first. He and Black greet each other by rubbing beaks together. Sharp then waits for Prof Bolo to settle onto a tree root before snuggling up to him. Prof Bolo casually reaches over and picks the bird up, placing him in his lap, all the while watching the scene on the land before them. The four of them watch in silence as the field clears of birds, small groups taking off at intervals, flying in different directions as the crow sentinels caw out their good-byes.

After that action, there is not a bird in sight and a deep silence settles over the land, eerie and acute after the hours of incredible noise. Petunia breathes in the relief of that and adjusts her ears before she becomes aware that the air around her is dancing, as if the frenzy of the birds has left an energy behind them. As she focuses her attention on this new development, the frenzy reorganizes itself into a visible entity before her eyes simultaneously as she feels the Light Being's reassuring, comforting presence within her. Petunia stares at the guardian spirit, that looks very much as she had seen it before, clear as can be. She looks over at Prof Bolo, wondering whether he can see the spirit being or not. The look of incredulity on his face confirms Black's comment into her mind that, “yes the Prof can see the Wise One.”

Petunia and Prof Bolo exchange greetings with the Being of Light, honouring each other and the occasion. Then the Wise One presents a very pleased and proud Grandmother Grasshopper spirit, who bows and bows to them and thanks and thanks them for contacting Crowoman and bringing the crows to honour the ancient agreement between crows and grasshoppers, to keep each other in balance.

Prof Bolo thanks her, in turn, for honouring the humans peoples with her engagement and advice. He promises to do all he can, as one man among many with widely differing ideas, to encourage people to diversify their land use for the balancing of nature's creatures and the highest good of all.

Grandmother Grasshopper Spirit blesses his intention and then bows out of the picture, looking dignified and satisfied. The Being of Light or Wise One, as the crows call him, departs with her. Petunia and Prof Bolo sit staring at the spot where the spirits had been. The air is still and ordinary. Their timeless moment of awe comes to an end with the arrival of Crewman and his companion crow. Black shuffles forward and Sharp hops nimbly out of Prof Bolo's lap to greet their crow brother while Crewman announces that coffee is made and the TV and radio people are ready to interview Prof Bolo.

Prof Bolo gets up thoughtfully. He extends an arm to Petunia, to pull her to her feet. “Come Petunia, I'm going to need your support for this one.” Companion crows hopping and taking short flights along beside them, the three humans head back to the main camp area.


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